The following is a list of the top question we typically receive from our customers, potential customers and interested parties.
#1Q. How long will it take to get my site listed in Google's natural or "Organic" listings?
A. This depends on many factors. Be aware that getting "listed" and getting good positioning in the search engine results...
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About: Vladimir
Recent Posts by Vladimir
Integrating MS Word Content Correctly
Integrating content is a very simple thing to do with Sitebuilder. However, there are incorrect ways to do this that can cause problems. I will briefly cover this issue.
The most common problem is when customer's copy and paste text/written copy from Microsoft Word into the sitebuilder WYSIWYG text field. While this seems innocuous, it actually...
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Creating SEO Friendly Text Links in your Content
By default, Sitebuilder creates JavaScript links when you hyperlink your Text from within the WYSIWYG editor. The reason for this is so you do not have to reformat your links when the site goes from trial to a live domain name mapping.
However, the JavaScript link is not the most search engine friendly linking method. I...
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Adding a Robots Text File
What is a Robots Text File?
A robots text file instructs the web bots/crawlers on exactly what to index and what not to index. For instance if you do not want certain content indexed, you can disallow access to the spiders. This will keep that content of the specified page/ directory out of the search engines...
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